Albă ca Zăpada

Children theatre: Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

“Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs” is the classical story that has enchanted our childhood and which would always remain alive in our souls. As in every story, good overcomes evil, so the princess shall be saved by the handsome prince. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs is a show which any child should not

Crimă pe palier

Theatre for adults: Crime on stair head

The actors from Medias Popular Theatre, return on stage in order to present to theatre passionates the play “Crimă pe palier” (Crime on stair head) by Ion Băieșu. This play is played since November 2009 by the young actors from Medias, and it is recommended as a “gruesome comedy” for subtle people.

Spectacol "Te iubesc femeie!"

Show “Te iubesc, femeie! (I love you, woman!)

A show presented by the actor Lucian Dragotă, the priest from the group “Vacanța Mare” and dedicated to all lovers. On the scene of Traube Hall he will sing songs from his two albums “Anotimpuri”, “Black/White”, but also from the international repertory.

Children theatre: Vestitul Peticilă (Famous Peticila)

“Vestitul Peticilă” is a joyfull show about solidarity and the power of friendship. “When we think that everything is lost and there is nothing to be done, we don’t have to give up fighting, we need to ask our friends’ help, we mustn’t be afraid and we must do everything we can to defeat the